Who among us doesn’t love getting gifts? Giving gifts to loved ones is a great way to make them happy. Getting the gift packaging right can be a challenge, especially if you want to prepare everything in an aesthetically pleasing way.
A well-packaged gift is sure to impress the recipient and show that you have taken care to make their present special. In this article, we will provide some practical tips on how to wrap a gift in a beautiful and aesthetically pleasing way.
First, think about what you want to gift. The gift should suit the other person’s tastes and at the same time be a pleasant surprise. It makes sense to opt for a personalised gift.
One of the most popular gift packaging methods is the use of special gift paper. You can use traditional patterned gift wrapping paper or opt for more original solutions such as printed paper or decorative gift wrap. Remember to choose paper of the right thickness so that it will not get damaged during packaging.
As well as the right paper, you will also need other essentials such as scissors and packing tape. The best choice is the transparent packing tape from the Pocket Tape group. The high level of transparency of the tape makes it invisible on the paper. The small size of the tape ensures a convenient and efficient gift wrapping process.
When packaging your gift, place it in the centre of the packing paper and try to pack evenly so that the paper does not wrinkle. Then trim the excess paper so that just enough is sticking out to fold over the top of the gift.
When the paper is well in place, use transparent Pocket Tape to tape it along the edges. It is best to tape one side first, then turn the gift over and repeat the process from the other side. Transparent packing tape increases its adhesion over time, so with it your gift will be properly protected. Do not use too much tape. Just a small piece is enough to properly tape your gift.
After the gift has been properly wrapped, you can add decorative stickers or tape if you wish.
Remember – at this stage you are only limited by your imagination 😊.